Volume 4: Suspiciously Divisible by 2
Last week we were light on hacks in order to spend some time talking to Phil Hagelberg. If you missed it, I urge you to check it out!
This week there’s no 7 page interview, so it’s back to tradition. Let’s get to the hacks!
Hacks (in no particular order)
Overtype — Ben Wheeler
Overtype simulates a typewriter, and does a very good job. My favorite hack in a while! Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to have a free license associated with it, but the code is well documented and fun to explore!
git-link — Skye Shaw
Let’s imagine you edit code in emacs, and want to send a link to a
friend of exactly the spot where they made a mistake. The code is on
Gitlab, or Github. Do you open up a browser? No! You M-x git-link
and paste a link instead.
rlite — Sebastian Waisbrot
rlite is to redis as sqlite is to insert RDBMS here
pigz — Mark Adler
“pig-zee” is a parallel gzip implementation that makes use of, you guessed it, multi-processor, multi-core machines. I haven’t done any benchmarking, but I imagine it to be faster, at best, than typical gzip. [See what I did there? – ed]
Neon — Mike Amaral
A new framework for creating dynamic and flexible UIs for iDevices in Swift. I’m not an iDeveloper, but I assume this can also be used for generic, run of the mill, soon to be deprecated, desktop applications for the Mac as well.
speed-test — Sindre Sorhus
Don’t have flash? But want to brag about your connection to your coworkers? No problem! Just do it from your terminal.
sift — Sven Taute
A faster alternative to grep. Doesn’t say which grep implementation it’s faster than. Seems fast anyway. Very flexible.
litestore — Fabio Cevasco
A NoSQL document store built on top of sqlite, and written in Nim!
Fun things to read or see
Statistics for Hackers: I still couldn’t follow it all. I wonder if there’s a video of this talk? That might be helpful.
The Guide to Implementing 2d Platformers. This came up again recently in the social sites, and I read it again. Yup, still very informative and inspiring.
Tying a bow.
I love to be told of interesting new hacks, projects, pieces of art, and of course random algorithms. If you have something that you think I haven’t seen challenge me by sending it my way! Just reply to this email. Easy peasy.
Until next time!
Happy hacking,