Andrew: First of all, Phil, thanks for taking the time to chat about your new project, Bussard. Can you tell the readers what it is?
Phil: Bussard is a spaceflight simulator where programming is a key mechanic. You fly around a galaxy where you can mine asteroids, explore star systems, upgrade your ship, trade cargo, and such with realistic gravitation and thrust. So far pretty standard stuff, but the modeling of the game centers around the computer systems that make your ship and the space stations actually function.
Your ship is controlled by a Lua API–when you press the arrow keys to fly around, the keymap system translates it into function calls that engage the engine, turning thrusters, etc, but the setup of the controls is all in “userspace”, defined in a config file you can edit in-game. Many of the upgrades you can find for your ship are purely software routines that can offer improved things like trajectory plotting and autopilot.
You can log into space stations over a faux-ssh into a unixlike environment. Trading cargo, buying ship upgrades, etc. are done by running unix commands. As the game progresses you will learn how to read the code to understand what’s really going on and eventually break through some of the station security measures. Eventually you will find and activate an artifact that lets you break out of the game’s Lua sandbox completely, giving you godlike control over the universe.
A: As a player of the game, how much of my time is spent programming versus controlling the ship and interacting with terminals? Is it completely scriptable, such that I could build an AI to play it autonomously?
P: I don’t know if it’s developed to the point where I can give an authoritative answer on the point of how your time is spent; some of it will end up depending on what any given player finds fun. However, I definitely want to build it such that writing autopilot and AI functionality is a valid strategy; in fact it may already be functional enough to allow you to script a trading AI that could rack up an unreasonable number of credits since the piloting and trading already happens completely in “userspace”.
I would also like to build it so that you can buy other ships and load your same AI into them, allowing them to function completely autonomously on their own.
I’m slightly obsessed with the notion of exposing as much in “userspace” as possible–it’s a theme of sorts that runs through my projects in how the user should be enabled both to do what the designer of the tool intended but also to reach beyond that and find new things that the creators never could have anticipated. Placing in “userspace” things that would normally be hard-coded comes up again and again. This is one of the core tenets of Emacs in particular (which is where I learned it) but it can be applied many, many other places. This is the first time I’ve actually built something around the notion of eventually “escaping userspace” though!
A: How did it come about? What is the end goal?
P: I started working on it because I wanted a way for my kids to explore programming concepts in a way that was fun without being contrived. I’ve been reading a lot about how we learn (primarily Seymour Papert’s “Mindstorms” and Postman and Weingartner’s “Teaching as a Subversive Activity”) where it’s emphasized that learning is something that can only happen when a learner takes interest in something and makes it their own by relating it to concepts they already “own”.
Topics that directly relate to the learner’s felt problems are the best bridges to learning in a way that sticks; in fact some claim that this is the only way meaningful learning can possibly occur. So teaching therefore becomes a matter of constructing environments in which the learner can encounter problems and overcome them by learning to grasp new techniques and make them their own.
A: Your epic list of projects has but one, relatively simple, game. What caused you to take on such a large and complicated project in a domain you seem to have little experience in?
P: That’s easy–it’s because I have kids. I have really enjoyed working on Leiningen, but there’s nothing there that would interest them. Earlier this year I wrote a number of less-noteworthy small hack games with my kids (mostly in Racket); this is just the first one where the idea had legs.
I did also enjoy the experience of writing something very simple together with my kids over and over as a learning exercise. Even if a lot of it is over their heads, they start to see patterns and get a grasp on how things fit together once we’ve worked our way through four or five games.
A: You’ve written a basic clone of Emacs, and a “unix”-like “operating system” for the game. What have been the most interesting learnings from that experience?
P: I’ve had a lot of fun thinking about sandboxing in both these subprojects. The in-game ship REPL sandboxes code so that “userspace” code only has access to function calls that enforce the rules of the game. So this is a similar situation to client/server applications where you can’t trust the client; you need to make sure all validation happens “server-side” or in this case outside the confines of the sandbox.
The unixlike OS in particular is doubly-sandboxed; you have to keep the user out of the workings of the OS and the “top-level” Lua environment, but you also need to keep them out of other users' files. It uses an interesting pattern to enforce filesystem permissions. The raw filesystem is simply a Lua table, but before it is passed to any user code it is wrapped in a proxy that uses Lua “metatables”. This allows for a table-like object in which all lookup and insertion is intercepted; we can place assertions here that the given user has read/write permissions before forwarding the lookups and insertions to the raw table that is wrapped.
The editor has actually been surprisingly straightforward so far; in particular I was pleased by how little work it took to take it from a readline-like single-line editor into a full editor that functions across many lines. Since Lua strings are immutable, the text buffer is implemented as a table of strings, which makes edit operations that span multiple lines a bit tricky; but it’s not bad.
Of course any Emacs clone is going to land in the uncanny valley of “feels like Emacs but doesn’t get everything quite right” which is unavoidable, but in a way the oddness and foreign feeling works with the setting of the game. You have to imagine in the distant future we will be working with systems that are the far-off descendants of what we are using today.
A: One doesn’t get to write editors all that often (if ever), and there are clever strategies for implementing them. Have you considered utilizing one of the classical data structures such as ropes or gap buffers instead of your current approach?
P: I’m a pretty big YAGNI believer; so far I’ve been sticking with the simplest thing that could possibly work. I have a suspicion that the files you would end up working on in-game would never get big enough to justify getting fancy, but you never know; users have a way of surprising you.
If I were writing an editor for the point of having an editor I might feel otherwise, but I’m still at the point in the game where I’m eager to have a richer world to explore, so I haven’t spent a lot of time on little polish things yet.
A: What other technical feats have you encountered while working on this game?
P: I’ve been really impressed with LOVE, the game engine I’m using. It’s extremely approachable without being limiting in terms of power. The accessibility reminds me of QBasic and some of the early programming environments of the 80s where many hackers got their start. It is of course much more technically sophisticated, and the language is dramatically better designed, but it doesn’t sacrifice that initial immediacy that is so key to engagement of younger users.
Another neat feat is Lua’s sandboxing system. It’s amazing how much
mileage I get out of a single setfenv
function call when it works with
Lua’s semantic simplicity and remarkable degree of orthogonality.
I’ve been able to basically steal outright the way Emacs represents major modes and key maps. It’s a really solid design, though of course it could benefit from Vim’s notion of general composable actions that are decoupled from the object (char, word, expression, etc) upon which they act; I feel like I don’t have a good enough grasp of that yet to implement it. Perhaps an enterprising player will come along and write a Vim implementation in-game.
A: Where have you looked to for inspiration on things like game mechanics?
P: A big influence for this game was playing through Escape Velocity as a kid. It rewarded exploration and was set against a fairly rich universe. I hadn’t really encountered an open-world type game before that, though they are more common these days.
I really enjoy playing FTL (Faster Than Light) as well; in particular the way it integrates your ship’s power distribution as a central game mechanic is really well done. I’m not sure if a similar mechanism will end up making it into Bussard, but I would like it to.
But the initial impetus for the game was seeing videos of Kerbal Space Program and realizing my x86 computer is too old to play it. (Yes, really; it’s old. I have a newer machine but it’s ARM-based.) I wanted to explore the mechanics of orbital spaceflight, and while my model is a lot less detailed than theirs, it’s much more realistic than any other game I’ve played. It’s also been a good excuse to brush off my math and do a bit of wikipedia research.
A: You typically utilize an interesting pattern for naming projects–usually the names are found in semi-obscure books. Can you talk about the origin of the name ‘Bussard’?
P: Normally I like to take my names from characters in fiction but this is slightly different–a Bussard Ramjet is a hypothetical system of propulsion that could operate based on collecting hydrogen from the interstellar medium.
This is fitting since another key mechanic is fuel consumption. You can’t crash your ship, but you can temporarily strand yourself in the outer reaches of the system if you’re not careful to make sure you have enough fuel to counteract the velocity you’ve built up. Your fuel does recharge slowly, (presumably with a bussard collector) so the game is forgiving in this aspect.
However, I first heard of the term from Star Trek–the Bussard Collector there is the iconic red component on the tip of the warp nacelle.
Thanks, Phil!