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Eagerly Evaluated Questions, with Joseph Jevnik [Volume 13]

Joseph Jevnik is the author of lazy python, a pip-installable library for Python that turns your Python into a lazily evaluated language. I spoke with him over email about lazy evaluation and what it’s like to build such an impressive hack on top of Python. The result is both informative and entertaining. I hope you enjoy!

Andrew: So first, I have to get it out of the way. Your GitHub username is llllllllll. Can you tell us the story behind that?

Joseph: When I made my GitHub account I was playing a lot of StarCraft II. In that game, userames are not unique, so many players decided to name themselves with a “barcode” to be anonymous. This would make it harder for people to know what strategies you were practicing or stream snipe you. I chose to use this name on GitHub because I thought it was fun. I have found it to be quite polarizing; some people think it is funny and some people think it is really annoying. I have been asked to change it a couple of times but I think it is too much fun. I also like that the name that meant “anonymous” seems to draw a lot of attention.

A: I’m sure it’s not, but have you by chance tried to see if your string of ‘l’s is a valid barcode?

J: I am not really sure how I would go about testing that.

A: My guess is that a number of readers haven’t been exposed to lazy evaluation. What is lazy evaluation, and why does adding it to Python make sense?

J: Lazy evaluation, also known as “call by need”, is an evaluation strategy where values are produced when only needed. This is the opposite of eager evaluation, what Python normally does, where functions are executed as seen and values are produced immediately. Python has some built in tools for lazily evaluating code. One of the more explicit ways is with a generator. Generators only produce values as requested as opposed to a list or tuple which eagerly evaluates all of the members. Another way people get lazy evaluation in Python is with closures. By boxing up some code in a closure, we can defer execution of that code until it is actually called. To answer the second part of the question, why does adding this to Python make sense: lazy evaluation could allow us write more interesting optimizations by building up larger expressions before executing any code. An example of a potential optimization is sharing the results of common subexpressions. For example, given the following expression:

b = (a + 1) + (a + 1)

normal Python will execute a + 1 twice, because it must evaluate both operands before calling +. In a lazy execution model, this would build up a tree of computation but not actually perform any of it. If the user never needs to know the value of b, no work is done. If the user does need to know the value of b then it can see that it is an add of two of the same expression, at which point it can eliminate the duplicate calls to a + 1 and execute code more like:

_tmp = a + 1
b = _tmp + _tmp

Note: This assumes that + is a pure function of its inputs. This means that + does not have any observable side effects and depends only on the inputs given.

Other interesting optimizations are evaluating terms in parallel or removing intermediate objects that are thrown away during computation. These are very appealing optimizations when doing scientific computing where your intermediate objects can be very large or the problems are very parallelizable.

A: There’s been a lot of research into the implementation of lazy evaluation, including the ever famous The spineless tagless G-machine, naturally paper that Haskell uses. What is the design of lazy python, and how did you go about building it?

J: Lazy python works by wrapping all the objects in a proxy which builds up computations. The proxy object is called a thunk, which is a standard term that means “deferred computation”. The thunk class overrides all of the data model (also known as magic) methods to return new thunks that have the operation chained onto it. This system uses Python’s normal, strict interpreter to build up the calls that need to be made.

Lazy python uses cell model thunks. This means that thunks are composed of three parts:

  1. The code to execute when the value is requested.
  2. The free variables closed over by the code.
  3. The status flag that marks if the thunk has been evaluated along with the cached result of entering the code.

One of the important parts of a lazy evaluation system is that a single computation must only be evaluated once. The cell model accomplishes this by caching the result of the computation on the thunk itself so that the next time the result is requested it may be returned immediately without reentering the code. With the cell model, it is the responsibility of the code which is requesting the result to check and set the status of this cached value.

The STG machine uses the self-updating model for thunks. This model is different in that it only has the code to execute and the free variables. When the code is entered, it first evaluates the result just like the cell model; however, before returning the value it overwrites the thunk with a new thunk whose code cell is just return result. This moves the updating and checking responsibility to the thunk itself and simplifies the call sites. This also opens the door for optimizations which do not check or update the code cell when it is known that the value will only ever be needed once. When starting lazy I wanted to go with a simple implementation and the cell model seemed more clear and easier to debug.

Here is the definition of the thunk structure in lazy:

typedef struct{
    PyObject *th_func;
    PyObject *th_args;
    PyObject *th_kwargs;
    PyObject *th_normal;

Note: PyObject* is the C type used to represent all python objects.

The first part of the struct definition, PyObject_HEAD, is a macro that says that this is a python object. This is where the type and the reference count are stored. The th_func field defines the code for our closure represented as a callable Python object. th_args and th_kwargs are the free variables, these will be passed to th_func as the positional and keyword arguments when we enter our code. Finally we have th_normal which is the result of calling th_func(*args, **kwargs). When a new thunk is created, this is NULL. This field is named th_normal because it is the “normal” form of the computation, this is the standard term for the final result of a computation which contains no thunks.

Imagine the lazy code: a + 1. This will turn into a thunk like:

th_func = operator.add,
th_args = (a, 1)
th_kwargs = NULL
th_normal = NULL

When we scrutinze this thunk, we first check the th_normal field. If it is NULL it means we have never executed this thunk before. We then strictly evaluate the th_func, all of the th_args, and all of the th_kwargs (if any). We then call normal_func(*normal_args, **normal_kwargs). If the result of this call is a thunk itself we enter it and continue evaluating until we get a concrete value. This ensures that th_normal never holds a thunk. We then update the th_normal field and release the th_func, th_args, and th_kwargs and set those fields to NULL. This is done so that we don’t leak the intermediates needed to compute the value.

Another difference between lazy python and the STG machine are the evaluation points. In lazy, I have used the term “strict point” but I am not sure that is the formal term. The idea is that there are some operations in the language which cannot be deferred, and these are the only places where code cells are entered. In the STG language this is just the case expression. The case expression evaluates the argument, called the “scrutinee”, and then tries it against different “alternatives”. These alternatives can be as simple as comparing the value against a literal like:

case a of
    0# -> -- code to evaluate when a == 0
    1# -> -- code to evaluate when a == 1
    -- so on

Or as interesting as destructuring a value based on the constructor like:

case someList of
    Nil  {}          -> -- code to evaluate when `someList` is empty
    Cons {head,tail} -> -- code to evaluate when `someList` is non-empty; this
                        -- also binds `head` and `tail` in this alternative

Lazy python uses different evaluation points. The most basic is the strict function. The strict function evaluates a thunk to normal form. This is very close the the seq function in haskell. This allows users to explicitly request the value of a computation. This is useful when one wants to call a function for the side effects, for example: print. Imagine the following lazy code:

print('hello world')

This will turn into a thunk: thunk(print, 'hello world'). We don’t actually enter the call to print until the result of the print is requested; however, we don’t normally use the result of print for anything so this thunk would get dropped. If we replace this with:

strict(print('hello world'))

then we will be explicitly asking for the result which will enter the print function and we can see hello world printed to the terminal.

Another construct that is strict is if. In order to know which branch to enter we need to know the truthiness of the expression.

This means that we can think of

if expression:
    return true_expression
    return false_expression

in terms of the STG language like:

case expression of
    True  {} -> true_expression
    False {} -> false_expression

A more unique strict point is __next__. To show why this must be strict, imagine the following code:

for n in range(5):

If __next__ was lazy this loop would never terminate. Each time the for loop requests the next value from iter(range(5)) it would just be a thunk which hasn’t actually driven any computation. This would never raise a StopIteration so the loop would continue printing forever. The easy solution is just to make __next__ force the result so that the loop strictly computes the iterator but the body can still build up a thunk. Imagine this lazy reduce:

def sum_(ns):
    acc = 0
    for n in ns:
        acc += n
    return acc

result = sum_((1, 2, 3, 4))

This code will immediatly force the iter((1, 2, 3, 4)); however, result will be a thunk that looks like: ((1 + 2) + 3) + 4

When I started working on lazy I just tried writing it in normal Python. The class looked something like:

class thunk:
    def __init__(self, func, args, kwargs):
        self.func = func
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def __add__(self, other):
        return type(self)(operator.add, self, other)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return type(self)(operator.sub, self, other)


This seemed to work; however, I needed to do very tricky things to make __getattribute__ correct while still storing state on the object. I tried moving the state into a weak dictionary keyed by the thunk and other tricks but all of this contributed to very poor performance. The class was just too much overhead to every Python operation. This led me to write the implementation in C (and too much C preprocessor ;_;). Writing thunk in C also allowed me to wrap C specific APIs where it makes sense, for example, the sequence protocol.

Another thing I ran into was enforcing that all objects are thunks. Imagine the lazy code:

def f(a):
    return a + 1

This is only lazy if a is already a thunk, f(1) will still eagerly compute 1 + 1 and return immediately.

To solve this problem I worked on a project to rewrite the bytecode so that all the name lookups wrapped the value in thunks. This would mean that when I called f(1), the code internally would do a lookup for the variable a, but instead of returning 1, it would return thunk(lambda a: a, 1). Then, when I return a + 1, it would create a new thunk like: thunk(operator.add, thunk(lambda a: a, 1), 1). I also used the bytecode rewriting to support things like a is b turning into thunk(operator.is_, a, b) and literals would turn into thunks which evaluate to their value. This specific submodule was split out of lazy about a year ago and has become a very nice standalone library for arbitrary bytecode manipulation.

As a side note: I have recently begun working on an inplementation of the STG machine targetting GCC JIT, though I am writing that in C++: gg.

A: Are there “production” applications out there in the wild, that you know of, using lazy python, or is it still just a curiosity, of sorts?

J: I would be suprised to find out someone has been using lazy python in production, mainly because I would wonder what they needed it for. The closest thing to a production ready tool built with lazy is a project called daisy, which is the combination of dask and lazy. dask is a library for parallelization and distributed computing. dask is a really cool project which can dramatically speed up many numerical computing tasks. It is also really good at working on out of core datasets, or datasets which do not fit into RAM. daisy works by creating a special subclass of thunk which compiles a lazy expression into a dask graph. It also implements things like sharing of common subexpressions. daisy passes this off to dask where the expression can be computed in parallel or across a cluster. This makes it really easy to get better performance for “free”, where free means not altering the expression you wanted to parallelize. The runtime overhead of daisy is still pretty high so it only helps with things that are either duplicating a lot of work, extremely parallizable, or really really large arrays.

A: I’ve tried to bend Python 2 against its will in the past to do a variety of different things, though, I never pushed the limits quite as far as you have. What do you think it is about Python that attracts this kind of playfulness and experimentation?

J: I think that the simplicity of Python makes it possible for people to build very interesting tools on top of it. The data model is straightforward and all of the syntax boils down to pretty clear functionality. On top of that, most of the behavior can be overridden and customized allowing people to experiment with fun extensions very quickly. This doesn’t just stop at the object model though, users can define their own file encodings or patch out the builtin compile function to do all kinds of interesting things. Doing any of this in another language would be a much more involved process which would probably require forking the compiler or interpreter. Another reason that I like Python, though I don’t know how much this affects others, is that the C API is very good. At the C level, you can do anything you want to the interpreter so there is no limit to the amount of “magic” you can build.

A: I’ve never heard the Python C API described as “good,” though, to be honest, I almost never hear anyone talk about it. What makes the Python API good, and how does it compare to an API like Lua’s, which is often celebrated for its easy to use C API?

J: I find the API very straightforward to use. The functions are namespaced well and there are only a few key ideas that you need to understand to use it effectively. The documentation is also very nice which helped me learn it very quickly. I think it is also pretty easy to link the C code back to the Python equivalent. For example, function are normally namespaced like Py<type>_<method>, for example: PyList_Append. This is the same as list.append in Python. The way types are defined is also pretty close to actual Python classes. The difference is that there are special type slots for the primitive functions, so instead of defining an __iter__ method, you just write a C function and put it in the tp_iter slot of the PyTypeObject you are creating. I do find it to be very verbose, especially around error handling. It is unsafe to nest any expressions because the intermediate expression may fail. For example, to write f(a, g(b)) in the CPython API, one must write:

PyObject *tmp;
PyObject *result;

if (!(tmp = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(g, b, NULL))) {
    /* handle the case where g(b) raises an exception */
    return NULL;

if (!(result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(f, a, tmp, NULL))) {
    return NULL;

return result;

As you can imagine this causes the length of the code to grow dramatically; but, I don’t think it is that bad that you must explicitly list all the failure modes.

I have never used Lua before so I cannot compare it with Python directly. With the Python C API I am always writing C code to support existing Python code instead of writing Python to support C code. I think the direction is important because I am not sure I would choose to use Python as an embedded scripting language for a C application which is how I think Lua is normally used. In the past I have used GNU Guile, the GNU implementation of Scheme, for adding a scripting language to a C application. I find their API to be much nicer inside of C because it uses garbage collected objects and provides quick conversion to and from C types. It is also designed for this purpose, so the the docs always show both the C function and the Scheme function next to each other.

A: Other than lazy python, which ranks among my favorite Python “hacks,” what others have you been inspired or intrigued by?

J: One of my favorite Python hacks is James Powell’s rwatch project. This project adds the ability to register a callback to be invoked whenever an object is pushed onto a Python function’s data stack. Already that is a really cool feature, but the implementation is really fun. The project works by overwriting the x86 opcodes in the PyFrame_EvalFrameEx to jump to a custom implementation that uses the registered callbacks. This means that the core interpreter loop is being replaced at runtime, all with a package that you can pip install! All of James' projects are very cool.

Another project that I find really cool is Phillip Cloud’s req. This project is an AST visitor for Python code that emits q, the query language for the kdb+ database. q is in the APL family of languages and is not the most readable. I like this project because it allows people to use one of the most readable languages ever made to write one of the least readable languages ever made.

Finally, I have been inspired by quicklambda. I cannot remember where I first saw this project but I thought the syntax was pretty cool. I have played around with Scala and C++ std::bind so I thought the syntax looked very intuitive. This project inspired me so much that I wrote a direct response: fz. The main difference with fz is that it compiles the final expression into a single Python function to be executed instead of executing a tree of lambdas. This makes (_1 + 1) * 2 produce the same bytecode as lambda _1: (_1 + 1) * 2 which gives really good performance.

A: Any other, non-Python related, hacks / projects that are on your radar?

J: One project that I am following which I mentioned briefly is GCC JIT. This is a new feature of GCC that I don’t think many people know about yet. GCC JIT is a frontend for GCC that provides a high level API for generating code. This gives you all the power of the GCC compiler optimizations and access to debugging features in GDB. This can also be used as an ahead of time compiler so GCC JIT can be used as the code generation step of some higher level compiler. Right now the easiest way to get this is to just clone GCC and compile a second version with --enable-shared and --enable-languages=jit (and a whole bunch of other standard flags). As a warning, this feature is currently in alpha, so don’t go building a production system on it; but, definitely try it out and report your findings to the developers!

Another project that I have been following is GCC MELT (the normal site is gcc-melt.org but that was down for me at the time of writing this). This project is really something. It is a Lisp compiler built as a meta-plugin for GCC to enable writing plugins in a custom Lisp dialect. This custom Lisp is compiled into C++ and then compiled into a shared object to be dynamically loaded by the MELT plugin for GCC. By itself that would be pretty cool but it also has a lot of features designed specifically for GCC plugin development like abstractions over many of the internal data structures and pattern matching macros for walking the AST. It also can work very well with existing C++ code because it can work with unboxed values and escape to C++ code directly. An interesting example of what can be done with MELT is a plugin for typechecking custom variadic functions for the janson project. janson is a C library for working with json, and there is a GCC plugin written in MELT which checks all of the calls of json_pack and json_unpack and validates at compile time that the format string is valid and that the variadic types match the types specified in the format string! You could also use this to add custom attributes for values or functions to build some kind of lifetime management or refcounting checks into the compilation process. This is also a really good project for learning the details of GCC and getting a better sense for all of the passes and various intermediate representations that your code goes through on its path to machine code.

Sorry for picking two projects related to GCC; but, I imagine that most people interested in lazy evaluation have some interest in compilers as well.

A: Thanks so much for taking the time to talk about all this! I think I can safely say that everyone will learn a lot from your explanations, and lazy python is simply just rad.

J: Thank you so much for chatting with me about lazy python! Hopefully there is enough interesting content here to write about for the mailing list.